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88 Black Falcon Ave, Ste. 345
Boston, MA, 02210
United States


Joshua M. D. Segal

Lawson & Weitzen, Llp

88 Black Falcon Avenue, Suite 345

Boston, Massachusetts 02210

(617) 439-4990


Joshua Segal is a civil litigator, trial attorney, and appellate advocate representing and advising individuals and businesses. Josh defends those sued in general business disputes, for unfair and deceptive acts and practices, theft and misappropriation of intellectual property, improper employment practices, and more.  Josh also represents people involved in personal injury actions, employment disputes, and land use disputes. In addition, Josh is a part of Lawson & Weitzen’s team representing those involved in all aspects of the alcoholic beverages industry. Before joining Lawson & Weitzen in 2011, Josh served as a Law Fellow for the justices of the Massachusetts Superior Court assisting in all phases of civil and criminal litigation. 

Josh volunteers as a judge for the Boston University Moot Court program and the Brandeis University Mock Trial competition. Josh has also been a presenter at conferences of the National Conference of State Liquor Administrators.

Although a native New Yorker, Josh lives in the Roslindale neighborhood of Boston with his wife and two sons.

Josh has been named a Boston Magazine Super Lawyers Rising Star every year since 2012.


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