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88 Black Falcon Ave, Ste. 345
Boston, MA, 02210
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Josh's Legal Insights

Bad facts, new law?

Joshua Segal

Please read my blog post on the Lawson and Weitzen blog concerning a new method for seeking a restraining order in Massachusetts (under G.L. c. 258E) that was alluded to by the Supreme Judicial Court in F.K. v. S.C., 481 Mass. 325 (2019). The Court referenced a new method based in “equity jurisdiction” that is not supported by statute.

If I can help with securing or defending against a restraining order under G.L. c. 258E or c. 209A, please email me.

Beer Distribution Agreements - Contracts for Goods or Services?

Joshua Segal

Click here to read my thoughts concerning a recent decision of the Massachusetts Appeals Court addressing a breach of contract action concerning a beer distribution agreement. The Court properly held that this was a contract concerning the sale of goods (and had a four-year statute of limitations) instead of a contract for services (with a six-year statute of limitations).

Please email me if I can assist with the drafting of or terminating a distribution agreement.