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88 Black Falcon Ave, Ste. 345
Boston, MA, 02210
United States




Joshua M. D. Segal

Lawson & Weitzen, LLP

(617) 439-4990 / (617) 439-3987 (fax)

88 Black Falcon Ave., Ste. 345

Boston, MA 02210


88 Black Falcon AVenue

Located in Boston's thriving Seaport District, Lawson & Weitzen, LLP is easily accessible by car or the T. 

If driving, set a GPS to 88 Black Falcon Avenue and drive up the ramp on the left side of the building. Drive down to the third entrance (the East Entrance) and park in a spot labeled L&W or Guest. Take the elevator to the third floor, and Lawson & Weitzen is to your left off of the elevator.

If taking the T, take the Silver Line 2 (SL2) to the 88 Black Falcon Avenue stop. Facing the building, walk down the right side to the fourth entrance (the East Entrance). Take the elevator to the third floor, and Lawson & Weitzen, is to your left off of the elevator.